On Jan 28, 2004, at 2:47 PM, Jim Leonard wrote: [Snip]
When I tackled the grading scale along with Chris, Hugh, Tom, et al, it was because we were all using *different* terms for the *same* things. It was an effort to define logical/sane grades, what made something fall into each grade, and assign them terms that were consistent. All of those elements were never under debate; only their terms (and how to arrange them) were. But a rarity scale would be constantly debated: Are production run numbers the only factor to consider? Or is it the demand for that item compared to its availability? If the latter, how can you determine demand and availability accurately enough for an official rarity list? (hint: you can't)

Even worse is that production numbers are really being used as a rough indicator of surviving copies. _That's_ the number you need and the one you'll never really know.


Edward Franks

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