> Or any of your most prized software posessions, for that matter?  Any
> good stories out there?

Marco (Infocom-IF) and I just bought a box of film, slides, etc., of some of
the late-term (early- to mid-1990s) Infocom package designs from a guy at
Activision.  Photos they took for the package, some of the LGoP2 girls, etc.
We're gonna split it down the middle once I have time to catalogue
everything that's in it.  That was kinda neat, we found out about it from
helping him get the manuals and PC code for some of their more obscure
releases.  (I loaned him my Cornerstone and Fooblitzky... Yeah, even after
Kitchen... God help the universe if I get f***ked over again.  B-)

The other great story is probably the PC Sentient Cyborg, which I found
completely unexpectedly in a warehouse owned by a guy who let me dig around
and help him organize it.

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