Jukka Eronen stated:
>Finnish-version of Videopac's Quest for the Rings
>"Sormusten etsintä" almost new and complete for about $18.
>(Videopac is European and don't know if I'm the only euro-person
>here but anyone knowing is this possibly the rariest of Videopac-games?)

The Videopac was known as the Odyssey^2 (that's a superscript 2) in
the U.S.A.  I know the author/maintainer of the Odyssey^2 Homepage
(www.classicgaming.com/o2home/).  I don't see that version of Quest
for the Rings on the list, but you might check out the rarity of other
European releases and see what you think of his ratings.  And send him
an e-mail; I'm sure he'd be happy to hear about and discuss it.  Tell
him I sent you.

Lee K. Seitz

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