The first version of my availability guide is up and running. Click on the CURIOUS Scale link, then
on the CURIOUS Guide link.

I'd really appreciate some feedback (private or public).  I'd particularly
like to know if it even loads for you.  I'm using a stupid Frontpage Excel
App right now.  It probably won't work for some of you (I'm guessing you
need IE).

If it does work for you, I'd like to know if the advanced capabilities
(filtering using the drop down boxes, and searching) work for you.

What I really need is a DB app that will work on my host
(  Suggestions would be most welcome.

Anyway, this is just a test version of the Guide.  It contains info on:

EA flats
Avalon Hill
A little Ultima

Even being so limited, it has over 1250 entries. I'm already aware that
rarities need to be tweaked, but feel free to make suggestions on anything
you see.


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