I enjoyed reading this thread, considering that MS is one of my passions (ripping the 
shrinkwrap from an old game is much akin to breaking the binding on my new 
magazine--I've threatened to KILL people for this!)  ;)

I've never had the time to do it, but I always wanted to do 'The ILLUSTRATED Moby 
Scale'--3 to 5 detailed pictures of example games showing every grade (and modifier).  
It would clear up a lot of confusion, and also give everyone insight and input into 
opinions about grading.

We could also cover some of the lesser-talked about modifiers--
Crushed corners
blemishes (what's an 'acceptable' blemish, anyway?!)
Box warping
Cover 'ripple'
Spotting reshrink

Is anyone interested in doing something like this?  If we each took a certain grade, 
we could accomplish a lot:

*We could show off some of our finer pieces

*We could have a laugh at some of the things we still keep (you KNOW you each have 
that piece of garbage that is in horrible shape, has no monetary value, and refuse to 
throw away!

*It would be a valuable addition to the Moby Game page (providing we all donate the 
pictures to the website)

*It would sure help to 'nail down' what we all agree on

*It would start all NEW discussions on the topic

*and may make this dry text more...stimulating.

Just a thought....I'll even dust off my camera too, if anyone else wants to pitch in...

Joe G

> From: Jim Leonard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2004/05/10 Mon PM 05:28:20 EDT
> Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Ouch
> Freddie Bingham wrote:
> > I still maintain the guide is confusing since you have one situation where a
> > grade and modifier can not be used together. 
> Taken at face value, yes, I can see how this might be confusing. 
> However, if someone understands the motivation behind software 
> collecting and the terms used, then it becomes clear why Mint always 
> needs Sealed.
> Maybe there is confusion over why the term Mint was chosen?  Because 
> "mint condition" implies, in numismatics anyway, "freshly minted" or "in 
> the same condition as it was created in the mint".  The pinnacle of 
> condition in most grading scales implies Mint condition, and since a 
> wrapped package is the only condition that can be considered "factory 
> perfect", the Sealed part was added quite intentionally.
> > It seems to me that the biggest
> > problem is that the scale deviates from other, much more established grading
> > scales in use in other fields of collecting. I can not find any scales that
> > define a near mint rating as actually being mint and this is the biggest
> > problem I have with this list.  I don't see how having shrink-wrap, means
> > that we need a scale that deviates from other scales.
> It is precisely *because* our hobby has different indications of quality 
> that the MobyScale was created.  Sealed items are worth more than 
> unsealed items, so the fact that it is sealed is a gradiation of 
> quality, and should be noted.  When researching hobbies and grading 
> scales in creating the MobyScale, I couldn't find any particular one 
> that was a good match; most of them didn't apply to a hobby where 
> factory authenticity can be verified (wrapped, sealed, etc.), and the 
> ones that did mention it didn't regard it highly.
> I would be interested to learn of other hobbies that value 
> shrinkwrapped/sealed items to be of higher quality, and also what 
> grading systems they use.
> > I know it won't be changed but I just want to it to be known that there are
> > others who disagree with it.
> Duly noted, and I (and others) value your input.  The goal of the Scale 
> was to avoid confusion; if you use your own scale, just make sure it can 
> be referenced -- on a web page, in a listing, etc. -- so that further 
> confusion can be avoided.  It's no secret that the primary motivation of 
> myself (and others who contributed to it) was purchsing things online 
> labeled as "Mint" when it was received opened, or seeing items described 
> as "Very Fine ++" and "Good Near Fine" and wondering what the hell that 
> meant :-)
> -- 
> Jim Leonard ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> World's largest electronic gaming project:    http://www.MobyGames.com/
> A delicious slice of the demoscene:        http://www.MindCandyDVD.com/
> Various oldskool PC rants and ramblings:       http://www.oldskool.org/
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