Marco Wrote:

"Very cool, Joe!
You won't rip the sealed ones open, will you? Please don't, they look so..pristine.

Don't worry, Marco--we won't. :)
The Museum specializes in 'preserving' Origin games.  We already are very proud of our 
'MINT-SEALED' collection, and these titles just add to them.  Trust me, we always keep 
1 copy of an 'opened' game, and 1 copy that is sealed, whenever we can.

There was an interesting discussion some years ago in the newsgroups with another 
great collector, who shared a different viewpoint--They thought that collecting sealed 
games was "ludicrous"--that the games were meant to be PLAYED, and the extras were 
meant to be touched, read, and played with.  I respect that opinion, but I disagreed.  
My thought is that some games go far beyond the concept of playing--they're ART.  
Keeping them in their original form is just as important as the game itself.  The 
thoughts and concepts behind the original presentation of classic games is just as 
important as the game itself!  I've said it before, and I'll say it again: "It's more 
than cardboard and floppy disks."

I have complete confidence that the data will survive--I'll leave that aspect to the 
collector-types that dig THAT aspect of collecting (Jim, Dan, etc.--VERY capable 
hands!)  I prefer to distinguish what WE do as 'preservation'.  It shows respect for 
the MEDIUM, as well as the MEDIA--and with that, a fuller respect for the hobby as a 


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