I collect emulator ROMs, which includes disk images, tape images, CD
images, etc.  got about 250 GB altogether for several hundred systems. 
I havent dumped much myself though, just scrounged from newsgroups and
such.  Its my little preservation effort I guess.  Still missing lots of
the rarer things.  If you havent heard of it before, check out
www.tosec.info  These guys have been archiving and naming romsets for
years now and are somewhat organized.  If anyone has hordes of disk
images they made, I suggest sending them to TOSEC (if you want to

Dan Chisarick wrote:
> I won't startup the semi-annual archive/preserve debate again (it
> hasn't been 6 months since the last one :), but since we have a few new
> folks, anyone else do the 'media archiving' thing?

Howard Feldman, Author of The Search for Freedom
A Computer Fantasy Role-Playing Game
Visit its Homepage at http://home.golden.net/~feldman/SearchForFreedom/
Visit the Computer and Book RPG Museum at
Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute

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