HI Dan,

> Steve, great work! I'm not following so closely- so make sure to let me know 
> when you consider the flash8 stuff finished enough to apply and do a release, 
> or in fact when it's interesting maybe to push out another pre.

Another pre will be necessary. I want to get the usual suspects
testing the builds before we consider a new release.

>   > Just to keep you all updated, I now have a working implementation of a
>   > ColorMatrix class in C++. All I need to do now (he says, tongue in
>   > cheek) is plum this into swfmill-s somehow.
> it shouldnt be that hard really- have a look at the swft_* stuff to see how 
> to roll your own xslt:extension function. make sure they are registered in 
> swft.cpp (there you also might find the most simple examples). the idea is 
> ofcourse to then call this function from the simple-to-lowlevel xslt. those 
> functions can both receive and produce nodesets (i'm unsure if i have a 
> function that takes a nodeset as parameter- but it shouldnt be so hard. 
> libxslt/exslt source is also a good source of knowledge). let me know in case 
> you need help.

Yeah, I've fond it surprisingly easy to implement the
swft:color-matrix element. This is now all working, translating
brightness, contrast, saturation and hue coloe adjustments into an
IDE-compatible matrix. However, something's up with my earlier work on
filter support in swfmill-ll. It seems to read to much information for
two of the filters (though I'm not sure which ones yet), and writes
too much information for the color matrix filter. I'll get to the
bottom of it though, but not tomorrow - a small matter of a World Cup
opener for England.

Night all,


PS. Dan. Did you get chance to have a look at the float bug test case
as mentioned in my original mail? No worries if not - I know you're
busy with xinf - but I need that bug fix to be committed before my
filter stuff.

Steve Webster

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