Steve, great work! I'm not following so closely- so make sure to let me know 
when you consider the flash8 stuff finished enough to apply and do a release, 
or in fact when it's interesting maybe to push out another pre.

"Steve Webster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (on Fri, 9 Jun 2006 15:26:09 +0100):

  > Just to keep you all updated, I now have a working implementation of a
  > ColorMatrix class in C++. All I need to do now (he says, tongue in
  > cheek) is plum this into swfmill-s somehow.

it shouldnt be that hard really- have a look at the swft_* stuff to see how to 
roll your own xslt:extension function. make sure they are registered in 
swft.cpp (there you also might find the most simple examples). the idea is 
ofcourse to then call this function from the simple-to-lowlevel xslt. those 
functions can both receive and produce nodesets (i'm unsure if i have a 
function that takes a nodeset as parameter- but it shouldnt be so hard. 
libxslt/exslt source is also a good source of knowledge). let me know in case 
you need help.



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