> Sorry, Erix, didn't want to pick on you! Just trying to put words on
> why I was uncomfortable with your version... :-)
You're welcome ;)

Le 8 juin 06, à 09:36, Ian Thomas a écrit :

> Have just checked the XML spec - and tags can't start with a number as
> a character, so unfortunately erix's version won't work.
It was just for clarity.

> Also, just thinking it through - tags which vary their names (i.e. we
> don't know whether the first child of <matrix> would be <1> or <2> or
> <99>, or whether any given element <1> would have children or not)
> make it harder for the XSL transform and also for creating a
> validating schema (if you wanted to do so).
This is the point why I was proposing nesting as a mean of sequence.
The order of the child will be maningful.

I think your proposition is harder to analyse from a xslt point of view 
>> <matrix>
>> 1,2,3,4,
>> 4,2,5,4,
>> 1,1,3,9,
>> 9,2,3,1
>> </matrix>

>> <matrix>
>>  <row values="1,2,3,4"/>
>>  <row values="4,2,5,4"/>
>>  <row values="1,1,3,9"/>
>>  <row values="9,2,3,1"/>
>> </matrix>

We've got to find a nested and sequencial structure in xml.


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