If I recall correctly, a universal binary isn't actually a single file, it is multiple executable files stored in side of an app bundle under Contents/MacOS/ and then referenced in the Contents/Info.plist.  I think the first place to look is at the format of Info.plist for app bundles, that should tell you some info on what meta is needed to consider something a universal binary.  Oh, and if that is the case, it would almost be pointless becase an app bundle is specifically for when an application has a gui, which would mean there is no point for swfmill.  Hope this helps.


On 8/25/06, Mark Winterhalder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 8/25/06, Steve Webster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My new employer have blessed me with a new Intel MacBook Pro (dodgy,
> explosive battery included free of charge) so I can take a look at
> trying to get an intel build out.

Our designer just had his MBP recalled from the vendor, for a new
motherboard due to unspecified reasons. His battery isn't one of the
affected ones, though.

> As for how universal binaries are produced I have no idea; it can't
> possibly be as simple as passing an extra --arch switch to gcc, as
> suggested by the top few results in google.

I tried your new employer's search engine (for once, normally I go
with the market leader because I already know their search operators)
and a link brought me here:
< http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Porting/Conceptual/PortingUnix/compiling/chapter_4_section_3.html>

Congrats for the new job!


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