Hello Ralf,

RF> There were no recent changes in the code causing this error. Did he
RF> compile older versions of swfmill successfully?
RF> What platform did he use and witch version of libxml and libxslt?

I am compiling on Windows using MinGW, and I've just went back and
re-compiled everything ensuring I am regenerating all XMLs as well.
The errors went away, but some other ones appeared:

  [swfmill] WARNING: end of tag DefineFont2 is @405651, should be @409678
  [swfmill] WARNING: this file is not a valid MP3 ../source/client/resource/soun
  [swfmill] xmlXPathCompiledEval: evaluation failed
  [swfmill] runtime error: element apply-templates
  [swfmill] Failed to evaluate the 'select' expression.

Looks like two warnings.. but they look fatal after all. Any ideas?


RF> Ralf

>> Hi.
>> Mike Pliskin built swfmill from SVN for us, but it throws an error:
>> swfmill] error
>> [swfmill] xsltCompileStepPattern : no namespace bound to prefix svg
>> [swfmill] compilation error: element template
>> [swfmill] xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'svg:svg'
>> [swfmill] error
>> [swfmill] xsltCompileStepPattern : no namespace bound to prefix svg
>> [swfmill] compilation error: element template
>> [swfmill] xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile
>> 'svg:linearGradient[not(@xlin
>> href)]'
>> [swfmill] error
>> [swfmill] xsltCompileStepPattern : no namespace bound to prefix svg
>> [swfmill] compilation error: element template
>> [swfmill] xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile
>> 'svg:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:hr
>> ]'
>> [swfmill] error
>> [swfmill] xsltCompileStepPattern : no namespace bound to prefix svg
>> [swfmill] compilation error: element template
>> [swfmill] xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'svg:g'
>> [swfmill] error
>> [swfmill] xsltCompileStepPattern : no namespace bound to prefix svg
>> [swfmill] compilation error: element template
>> [swfmill] xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'svg:g'
>> [swfmill] error
>> [swfmill] xsltCompileStepPattern : no namespace bound to prefix svg
>> [swfmill] compilation error: element template
>> [swfmill] xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'svg:g'
>> [swfmill] error
>> [swfmill] xsltCompileStepPattern : no namespace bound to prefix svg
>> [swfmill] compilation error: element template
>> [swfmill] xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'svg:rect'
>> [swfmill] error
>> [swfmill] xsltCompileStepPattern : no namespace bound to prefix svg
>> [swfmill] compilation error: element template
>> [swfmill] xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'svg:flowRoot'
>> [swfmill] error
>> [swfmill] xsltCompileStepPattern : no namespace bound to prefix svg
>> [swfmill] compilation error: element template
>> [swfmill] xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'svg:text'
>> [swfmill] error
>> [swfmill] xsltCompileStepPattern : no namespace bound to prefix svg
>> [swfmill] compilation error: element template
>> [swfmill] xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'svg:flowRegion'
>> [swfmill] error
>> [swfmill] xsltCompileStepPattern : no namespace bound to prefix svg
>> [swfmill] compilation error: element template
>> [swfmill] xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'svg:flowPara'
>> [swfmill] error
>> [swfmill] xsltCompileStepPattern : no namespace bound to prefix svg
>> [swfmill] compilation error: element template
>> [swfmill] xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'svg:tspan[position()=1]'
>> [swfmill] error
>> [swfmill] xsltCompileStepPattern : no namespace bound to prefix svg
>> [swfmill] compilation error: element template
>> [swfmill] xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'svg:tspan'
>> [swfmill] ERROR: internal stylesheet could not be read.

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RF> swfmill mailing list
RF> swfmill@osflash.org
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Best regards,
 Michael                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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