Hi Mike,

As far as I know, Swfmill only supports DefineFont2, not DefineFont3
as it is used in SWF9 (or 8?). DefineFont3 would be needed to take
advantage of the better font rendering settings.

I might miss something, so please Dan or Ralf correct me, but it seems
the places to look for are:

from line 140, and
<http://swfmill.org/trac/browser/trunk/src/SWFImportFreetype.cpp> from
line 48 need an importDefineFont3 equivalent.
<http://swfmill.org/trac/browser/trunk/src/SWFGlyphList.cpp> might be
of interest as well.

Anyway, I don't know C++, but the links above should be a start.

And the spec covers all of SWF, not just 9. The AVM2 opcodes are
missing, though.

Regarding differences in font output, I imagine that they still
wouldn't be 100% the same, since Swfmill uses FreeType and Flash
uses... something else. That something might be in the Flex SDK
sources somewhere, but there it would probably be in Java.


On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 3:21 PM, Michael Pliskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Mark,
>  MW> How about the official specs, which just had the restrictions removed
>  MW> a few days ago? :)
>  MW> <http://www.adobe.com/devnet/swf/>
>  I was going to use these ones, but I think Ralf can shade some light
>  on
>   - what is currently supported in swfmill
>   - what is missing
>   - where to look in source code
>   - some other comments/advice/whatever
>  ;) btw this spec only covers swf9 I believe (or I am wrong)?
>  --
>  Best regards,
>   Michael                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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