On 13 July 2010 16:58, Russell Lyons <rdly...@indiana.edu> wrote:
> Dear All,
> There seems to be a bug that is exhibited in the very first example of
> swfc code: (http://www.swftools.org/swfc/swfc.html)
>         Code listing 1.1
>        .flash filename="box.swf"
>            .box b1 100 100 color=yellow fill=red
>            .put b1 pin=center scale=0%
>            .frame 100
>            .change b1 pin=center scale=100%
>            .frame 200
>            .change b1 pin=center scale=0%
>        .end
> Namely, the very first frame shows the box in the wrong position and
> size. It flashes very briefly (on every loop), so could be missed by a
> casual viewer. I thought it would have shown only if a .put statement
> were there, but the first .put gives it a different size. What's wrong?

There's nothing *wrong* Russ.  it's not a bug.  The script is
simply doing as it's told, e.g.

           .box b1 100 100 color=yellow fill=red

puts a bounding box on the screen, *then*,

            .put b1 pin=center scale=0%

changes it.  So,  you see the full size box, *before* it gets

It's up to you to neaten up the performance.   Do as you
would on a proper stage production, put out the lights,
put the cast in their places then bring up the lights.

.flash filename="box.swf"
           .box b1 100 100 color=yellow fill=red
           .frame 1
           .put b1 pin=center scale=0% alpha=0%
           .frame 2
           .change b1 alpha=200%
           .frame 100
           .change b1 pin=center scale=100%
           .frame 200
           .change b1 pin=center scale=0%




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