Hi Russ,

A Transform object isn't a full Pan.  There's a separate command
for that,


( bear in mind what that page says about how it works )

The choice whether to embed or stream, is entirely yours.


  .sound myMp3 "my_sound.mp3"

then use, attachSound() with the id name to use
the sound.

Stream this way,

  var snd=new Sound();
  snd.loadSound("my_sound.mp3", True);

All the sound commands ( for basic AS2 ) are here,


I've confused the heck out of both of us, writing those examples
on the fly.  I should put some order into them then, then do as
originally suggested.. post them to the wiki.



PS  Sounds to play with,


On 29 July 2010 23:00, Russell Lyons <rdly...@indiana.edu> wrote:
> Hi, Chris.
>> Then it must wither be a difference in our ears, or the equipment
>> we are using differs dramatically.  Because I can hear stereo, when
>> you seem unable to.
> I do hear stereo with the file you used that came from my swf. Sorry I
> wasn't clear. The issue is these four lines of your code:
>    sndPanObj.ll = 100;
>    sndPanObj.lr = 0;
>    sndPanObj.rr = 100;
>    sndPanObj.rl = 0;
> If I omit them and the two others pertaining to sndPanObj, then it
> sounds just like the mp3 itself. If I change the values all to 0, the
> output is unchanged (i.e., it still sounds just like the mp3, tough it
> ought to be silent). Likewise the output is unchanged if I try to pan
> both to hard right. Have you done these or comparable experiments and
> gotten different results?  That would be very strange and something to
> investigate. (By the way, I used my own mp3, not yours, but they are
> essentially the same.)
> Note: everything sounds just fine when you use my mp3 (or your version of
> it). The problem is that this panning does not work, which means that if
> I didn't have the right sound file to start with, I wouldn't be able to
> fix it. It would also be really nice to know how to the panning.
> It is possible this doesn't matter in that tweaking the rest of your
> code may give me a swf file I can use, and although the mp3 isn't
> embedded, so I couldn't convert it to flv or whatever, I could use other
> methods of doing that directly without passing through swf.
> Thanks,
> Russ
>>>> I've extracted your Peanut MP3  track, and panned
>>>> it,  Last example on this page,
>>>> http://www.nordberg.me.uk/swfc_samples/russ/
>>>> Now.. are we there yet? ;o)
>>> Well, the pan values you used can be omitted or changed: they have
>>> absolutely no effect. However, there is no doubt a way to do what you
>>> attempted. It would be very interesting to see the correct code.
>> Then we are at an impasse. at the moment Russ, because I happen to
>> disagree with you  There was no 'attempt', as you put it,  but a fully
>> working example  ( this time using your own peanut track, exactly
>> as you embedded it yourself in your own swf ).
>> What's more, the pan values *do* have an effect when changed.
>> Tracks can independently swapped, lleft to right, right to lef, and
>> varying amounts of left and and right can also be filtered into the
>> opposite channel as well. Ref below,
>> http://www.macromediastudio.com/support/flash/action_scripts/actionscript_dictionary/actionscript_dictionary667.html
>> Why don't you take another  mp3 stereo track of your own creation, which
>> you *know* in your own mind to be stereo, then feed it into the snippet I
>> posted, by (cutting, pasting, then  compiling with swfc?
>> I'll be pleased to see the result! ;o)
>> Cheers,
>> Chris.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Russ
>>>> Chris.
>>>>> On 27 July 2010 19:29, Russell Lyons <rdly...@indiana.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Hi, Chris.
>>>>> I did listen carefully and did listen to the lc.swf and rc.swf files
>>>>> separately. I didn't notice any difference. In any case, it was
>>>>> certainly not that lc was panned hard left or that rc was panned hard
>>>>> right. I do realize you have two tracks playing simultaneously.
>>>>> Sure, I could use 2 files, but the issue has always been how to get one
>>>>> into only the left channel and one into the right, or to preserve the
>>>>> panning in one file, if the output is swf sound files. I don't know how
>>>>> to do that and get good results by using a simple tool.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Russ
>>>>> On Tue, 27 Jul 2010, Chris Pugh wrote:
>>>>>> Russ,
>>>>>> Actually, no it isn't!   Listen *VERY* carefully..!
>>>>>> You have two similar but completely independent
>>>>>> tracks there.  Try playing lc.swf and rc.swf from
>>>>>> the links on the page.  ( Admittedly I should have
>>>>>> perhaps used something with better contrast.  But
>>>>>> I left you to try that..
>>>>>> .. how's about splitting your peanut track into two
>>>>>> swf files, and use in place of the two sound swfs?
>>>>>> Extra fancy functionality requires extra lines ( wouldn't
>>>>>> you guess it ).  I didn't wnat o add too much in one go.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Chris.
>>>>>> On 27 July 2010 17:53, Russell Lyons <rdly...@indiana.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi, Chris.
>>>>>>> That's beautifully short, but the sound is still mono.
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Russ
>>>>>>> On Tue, 27 Jul 2010, Chris Pugh wrote:
>>>>>>>> Here you go,. added one more example, with source:
>>>>>>>>  http://www.nordberg.me.uk/swfc_samples/russ/
>>>>>>>> Press the little black button to kill the audio channels.
>>>>>>>> ( I've off-set them both slightly so they get out of sync
>>>>>>>> on subsequent repeats ;o)  )
>>>>>>>> HTH.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Chris.

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