Hi Russ,

>On 29 July 2010 02:21, Russell Lyons <rdly...@indiana.edu> wrote:
> Hi, Chris.
>> Revise your concept of Stereo?!  ;o)
>>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereo
>> Stereo isn't independent Counterpoint but a subtle
>> balancing act.  That aside..
> There must be some misunderstanding here, since the definition of stereo
> that I use is identical to the one you cited.

Then it must wither be a difference in our ears, or the equipment
we are using differs dramatically.  Because I can hear stereo, when
you seem unable to.

>> I've extracted your Peanut MP3  track, and panned
>> it,  Last example on this page,
>> http://www.nordberg.me.uk/swfc_samples/russ/
>> Now.. are we there yet? ;o)
> Well, the pan values you used can be omitted or changed: they have
> absolutely no effect. However, there is no doubt a way to do what you
> attempted. It would be very interesting to see the correct code.

Then we are at an impasse. at the moment Russ, because I happen to
disagree with you  There was no 'attempt', as you put it,  but a fully
working example  ( this time using your own peanut track, exactly
as you embedded it yourself in your own swf ).

What's more, the pan values *do* have an effect when changed.
Tracks can independently swapped, lleft to right, right to lef, and
varying amounts of left and and right can also be filtered into the
opposite channel as well. Ref below,


Why don't you take another  mp3 stereo track of your own creation, which
you *know* in your own mind to be stereo, then feed it into the snippet I
posted, by (cutting, pasting, then  compiling with swfc?

I'll be pleased to see the result! ;o)


> Best regards,
> Russ
>> Chris.
>>> On 27 July 2010 19:29, Russell Lyons <rdly...@indiana.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi, Chris.
>>> I did listen carefully and did listen to the lc.swf and rc.swf files
>>> separately. I didn't notice any difference. In any case, it was
>>> certainly not that lc was panned hard left or that rc was panned hard
>>> right. I do realize you have two tracks playing simultaneously.
>>> Sure, I could use 2 files, but the issue has always been how to get one
>>> into only the left channel and one into the right, or to preserve the
>>> panning in one file, if the output is swf sound files. I don't know how
>>> to do that and get good results by using a simple tool.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Russ
>>> On Tue, 27 Jul 2010, Chris Pugh wrote:
>>>> Russ,
>>>> Actually, no it isn't!   Listen *VERY* carefully..!
>>>> You have two similar but completely independent
>>>> tracks there.  Try playing lc.swf and rc.swf from
>>>> the links on the page.  ( Admittedly I should have
>>>> perhaps used something with better contrast.  But
>>>> I left you to try that..
>>>> .. how's about splitting your peanut track into two
>>>> swf files, and use in place of the two sound swfs?
>>>> Extra fancy functionality requires extra lines ( wouldn't
>>>> you guess it ).  I didn't wnat o add too much in one go.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Chris.
>>>> On 27 July 2010 17:53, Russell Lyons <rdly...@indiana.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Hi, Chris.
>>>>> That's beautifully short, but the sound is still mono.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Russ
>>>>> On Tue, 27 Jul 2010, Chris Pugh wrote:
>>>>>> Here you go,. added one more example, with source:
>>>>>>  http://www.nordberg.me.uk/swfc_samples/russ/
>>>>>> Press the little black button to kill the audio channels.
>>>>>> ( I've off-set them both slightly so they get out of sync
>>>>>> on subsequent repeats ;o)  )
>>>>>> HTH.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Chris.

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