On Sun, 12 Sep 2010 11:25:39 +0200
Pablo Rodríguez <oi...@web.de> wrote:

> Hi there,
> since it is impossible to embed videos in a single SWF file with 
> different frame rates (and embedding is mandatory in my case), I would 
> like to know how how could I set the fps of a video removing also 
> unnecessary frames automatically.
> Thanks for your help,
> Pablo

Since there are a lot of video formats out there,  I presume that
when you say 'video', you are referring to another swf?   If so,
then I'd guess it's not impossible to have differing frame rates.
Merely awkward.

Presumably you are starting your movies by ( and thus controlling
both with ) script?  If so, when counting the passing frames perhaps
you could use something like,

        onEnterFrame = function() {.. your code here }

along with a counter variable to keep them in sync?




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