On Wed, 15 Sep 2010 18:27:30 +0200
Pablo Rodríguez <oi...@web.de> wrote:

> On 09/14/2010 10:56 AM, Chris wrote:

> > Could you redefine your problem?  Why exactly did you wish to
> > have two videos at different frame rates.  Is this with or without
> > audio?
> I was wrong assuming that to embed different videos (video files 
> converted into SWF) I should set them to the lowest fps rate. It seems 
> to be the highest one, otherwise videos with decreased frame rates will 
> be played too slow.

My experimentation says the answer to that one, no.  Separate containers,
and you can have separate swfs at separate frame rates ( with the proviso
given previously, that it you if meddle with an individual video's frame
rate, it destroys the sync with any embedded sound )

> http://www.ousia.tk/freeculture.php and I would like to be able to 
> generate presentations like http://lessig.blip.tv/file/3730123/.

You can certainly do that with swfc.  No problem at all.

> but it has a major shortcoming: it is not possible to 
> embed videos in the final presentation (I'm consciously avoiding 
> external playing).

There is no shortcoming at all Pablo. You *CAN* embed multiple videos,
both swf and flv inside another swf, or swfs.  After all, that is what
a sprite actually is, now isn't it?

> But there is something I simply don't get. It is possible to generate 
> PDF files that contain a SWF video player

> http://flv-player.net/, that plays the embedded video in whichever 
> format it might be 

.. anything that does, can be done with swfc.

> (http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/flashmovie/

If you'd scanned the README for the above program, you have noticed that
this only works because Adobe have embedded a Flash component in Adobe
Reader 9 and upwards.
> in this case there is no problem with different frame rates in embedded 
> videos. Why is this not possible within SWF files?

But it is.  You can even have them all playing at the same time.

Would you care for a link to a flash file, within a flash file, within a
flv, within a...? ;o)



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