On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 00:38:46 +0200
Pablo Rodríguez <oi...@web.de> wrote:

> On 09/15/2010 10:31 PM, Chris wrote:

> Adobe explains that when embedding videos both SWF file and embedded 
> video clip must have the same frame rate, otherwise video playback would 
> be inconsistent
> (http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Flash/10.0_UsingFlash/WSBDABD69F-D146-4e5c-9340-BF717A10426C.html).

They quite a long list of limitations, and gremlins, however, the important bit
is this section:

Note: To use variable frame rates, stream the video using either progressive 
downloading or Flash Media Server. When you import video files using either of 
these methods, the FLV or F4V files are self-contained and run at a frame rate 
separate from that of all other timeline frame rates included in the SWF file. 

> > Would you care for a link to a flash file, within a flash file, within a
> > flv, within a...? ;o)
> I love to have a .sc file having a .flv file embedded into a SWF file, 
> with different frame rates. Video should contain sound.

So, if I were to point you at a compilable .sc that had 'thisland.swf' and
and another .flv playing at the same time, 'embedded' within it, I'd prove
my point ( albeit rather raucously ), and you'd be happy? ;o)
> Sorry, but unless I'm wrong, this is impossible due to the limitations 
> of the SWF format itself. Or at least of the video embedding.

flvs are designed for being streamed Pablo, not embedded.

It is also possible to have two swfs embedded in another swf, and slow the
frame rate of both of them at the same time with swfc/action script.  It
does not work brilliantly - Adobe use the phrase inconsistent - but it is

> It might be possible to embed the video as binary data (chapter 15 of 
> the SWF 10 specification). But I guess this has not been implemented in 
> swfc and I don't know how would it be possible to play it with 
> http://flv-player.net.

As mentioned previously, why would you need to use flv-player, when this,


[ see the Video section ]

does it for you?
> I may be wrong and not getting anything right, but I think this is a 
> limit in SWF design itself.

That depends!



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