> On 23 Dec 2015, at 5:16 AM, Philippe Hausler <phaus...@apple.com> wrote:
>> BTW I found a couple of small CF nits:
>> * in CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(), keybuf and valuebuf are transposed in 
>> the call to CF_SWIFT_FUNCDISPATCHV(NSDictionary.getObjects())
>> * _CFSwiftDictionaryGetKeysAndValues() does not handle keybuf or valbuf 
>> being NULL (either of which are valid when calling 
>> CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues())
> This is a bit un-related to NSCoding and the transposition is probably a 
> mistake if it is inverted (the CF method should be reversed from the NS 
> method to mimic the objc counterpart)

Right, I only noticed this whilst implementing NSKeyedArchiver.

Should _CFSwiftDictionaryGetKeysAndValues() (== NSDictionary.getObjects) follow 
the ObjC or the CF parameter order? The latter makes more sense to me.

— Luke
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