NSCoding will have to use something to transform from strings to classes, and 
that satisfy the two cases (or more) that we have already shown, currently 
there is no thing that does that in either form; either mangled or non mangled. 
Basically we need something to implement NSClassFromString with. Which we have 
clearly shown that dlsym does not fully meet the needs since there are cases 
that will emit as “module.classname” and others that emit as the mangled name. 
The simple case is probably going to be the a very common usage pattern for 
consumers (and of previously built applications). The inner class should 
definitely be handled in addition to this case.

Are there any methods that can fetch the name (either the symbolic or the 
readable) given a AnyClass in the runtime to get work started here? I think it 
is definitely sensible as a start to restrict this just to descendants of the 
class NSObject. I would presume that since the Metadata is potentially volatile 
contents we should use something along the lines of swift_getTypeName etc?

> On Dec 23, 2015, at 2:53 PM, Jordan Rose <jordan_r...@apple.com> wrote:
> Here's another example on OS X:
> import Foundation
> class Outer {
>     class Inner : NSObject, NSCoding {
>         let uuid: Foundation.NSUUID
>         required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
>             uuid = aDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("my.uuid") as! 
> Foundation.NSUUID
>         }
>         override init() {
>             uuid = Foundation.NSUUID()
>         }
>         func encodeWithCoder(aCoder: NSCoder) {
>             aCoder.encodeObject(uuid, forKey: "my.uuid")
>         }
>     }
> }
> NSKeyedArchiver.archiveRootObject(Outer.Inner(), toFile: 
> "/Users/jrose/Desktop/test-archive")
> Which results in this archive:
> {
>   "$version" => 100000
>   "$objects" => [
>     0 => "$null"
>     1 => {
>       "my.uuid" => <CFKeyedArchiverUID 0x7f8992c0e9d0 [0x7fff7c5acd80]>{value 
> = 2}
>       "$class" => <CFKeyedArchiverUID 0x7f8992c0ec90 [0x7fff7c5acd80]>{value 
> = 4}
>     }
>     2 => {
>       "NS.uuidbytes" => <67f0b08b c8274f8c b0c78d90 bd4627dc>
>       "$class" => <CFKeyedArchiverUID 0x7f8992c0eda0 [0x7fff7c5acd80]>{value 
> = 3}
>     }
>     3 => {
>       "$classname" => "NSUUID"
>       "$classes" => [
>         0 => "NSUUID"
>         1 => "NSObject"
>       ]
>     }
>     4 => {
>       "$classname" => "_TtCC4main5Outer5Inner"
>       "$classes" => [
>         0 => "_TtCC4main5Outer5Inner"
>         1 => "NSObject"
>       ]
>     }
>   ]
>   "$archiver" => "NSKeyedArchiver"
>   "$top" => {
>     "root" => <CFKeyedArchiverUID 0x7f8992c0f0c0 [0x7fff7c5acd80]>{value = 1}
>   }
> }
> NSStringFromClass makes pretty names when they fall into the "simple" 
> category, but that's not an arbitrarily extensible transformation, and 
> NSCoding shouldn't have to know anything about it.
> Jordan
>> On Dec 23, 2015, at 14:48, Philippe Hausler <phaus...@apple.com 
>> <mailto:phaus...@apple.com>> wrote:
>> The archiving format encodes the names of the classes in the archive itself. 
>> Here are a few code examples and a quasi readable output from them:
>> let uuid = NSUUID()
>> let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(uuid)
>> let archive = try! NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListWithData(data, 
>> options: [], format: nil)
>> print(archive)
>> prints the following:
>> {
>>     "$archiver" = NSKeyedArchiver;
>>     "$objects" =     (
>>         "$null",
>>                 {
>>             "$class" = "<CFKeyedArchiverUID 0x1030025e0 
>> [0x7fff7ab33bb0]>{value = 2}";
>>             "NS.uuidbytes" = <797639fe dad74b14 902afab3 c490448b>;
>>         },
>>                 {
>>             "$classes" =             (
>>                 NSUUID,
>>                 NSObject
>>             );
>>             "$classname" = NSUUID;
>>         }
>>     );
>>     "$top" =     {
>>         root = "<CFKeyedArchiverUID 0x103002a80 [0x7fff7ab33bb0]>{value = 
>> 1}";
>>     };
>>     "$version" = 100000;
>> }
>> Note the $classes and $classname objects; which are what tell the internal 
>> implementation of NSKeyedUnarchiver what to construct; moreover you can 
>> create your own classes..
>> // I don’t really think this is a good naming for an application’s class but 
>> hey it might happen...
>> class NSUUID : NSObject, NSCoding {
>>     let uuid: Foundation.NSUUID
>>     required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
>>         uuid = aDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("my.uuid") as! Foundation.NSUUID
>>     }
>>     override init() {
>>         uuid = Foundation.NSUUID()
>>     }
>>     func encodeWithCoder(aCoder: NSCoder) {
>>         aCoder.encodeObject(uuid, forKey: "my.uuid")
>>     }
>> }
>> let uuid = NSUUID()
>> let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(uuid)
>> let archive = try! NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListWithData(data, 
>> options: [], format: nil)
>> print(archive)
>> prints the following:
>> {
>>     "$archiver" = NSKeyedArchiver;
>>     "$objects" =     (
>>         "$null",
>>                 {
>>             "$class" = "<CFKeyedArchiverUID 0x100709630 
>> [0x7fff7ab33bb0]>{value = 4}";
>>             "my.uuid" = "<CFKeyedArchiverUID 0x100708e60 
>> [0x7fff7ab33bb0]>{value = 2}";
>>         },
>>                 {
>>             "$class" = "<CFKeyedArchiverUID 0x100709740 
>> [0x7fff7ab33bb0]>{value = 3}";
>>             "NS.uuidbytes" = <546e5b5e 15c244a1 aa96eb90 30c3f7f6>;
>>         },
>>                 {
>>             "$classes" =             (
>>                 NSUUID,
>>                 NSObject
>>             );
>>             "$classname" = NSUUID;
>>         },
>>                 {
>>             "$classes" =             (
>>                 "Archiver.NSUUID",
>>                 NSObject
>>             );
>>             "$classname" = "Archiver.NSUUID";
>>         }
>>     );
>>     "$top" =     {
>>         root = "<CFKeyedArchiverUID 0x100709b70 [0x7fff7ab33bb0]>{value = 
>> 1}";
>>     };
>>     "$version" = 100000;
>> }
>> Granted this is a questionable name for a class but it illustrates which 
>> class names are encoded where and how they should be interpreted in the 
>> pre-existing archive format; which we will have to figure out some sensible 
>> way of inflating and deflating to/from disk/network etc.
>>> On Dec 23, 2015, at 2:37 PM, Jordan Rose <jordan_r...@apple.com 
>>> <mailto:jordan_r...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>> No, we cannot encode things "non-mangled but with the namespace". For any 
>>> type other than top-level non-generic class types, using a non-mangled name 
>>> is not unique. The only correct answer for arbitrary classes is to use 
>>> mangled names, or something that maps one-to-one with mangled names.
>>> Now, Foundation classes are not arbitrary classes, but then I don't see why 
>>> we'd need to use mangled names for those. We can just use the plain old 
>>> Objective-C names that the OS X classes use today.
>>> Jordan
>>>> On Dec 22, 2015, at 10:16, Philippe Hausler via swift-corelibs-dev 
>>>> <swift-corelibs-dev@swift.org <mailto:swift-corelibs-dev@swift.org>> wrote:
>>>> To clarify the goals: I think it is reasonable for us to have a goal to be 
>>>> able to encode/decode archives from foreign targets; e.g. linux encodes an 
>>>> archive and mac os x decodes or iOS encodes and linux decodes. This will 
>>>> allow for server architecture to transmit binary archives across the wire. 
>>>> This will mean that we will want to have the encoded class names from the 
>>>> application scope to be encoded as the non mangled name but with the 
>>>> namespace. However this presents a problem; Foundation will have a 
>>>> namespace which will need to be inferred both for encoding and decoding. 
>>>> Thankfully there may be a reasonable way to approach this;
>>>> public class func classNameForClass(cls: AnyClass) -> String?
>>>> public class func setClassName(codedName: String?, forClass cls: AnyClass)
>>>> These methods can be used to allow for translation of classes by 
>>>> registering the appropriate classes for a “shortened” name that drops the 
>>>> Foundation/SwiftFoundation namespace prefix during encoding.
>>>>> On Dec 22, 2015, at 2:45 AM, Luke Howard via swift-corelibs-dev 
>>>>> <swift-corelibs-dev@swift.org <mailto:swift-corelibs-dev@swift.org>> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 22 Dec 2015, at 5:50 AM, Jordan Rose <jordan_r...@apple.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:jordan_r...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> IMHO on Linux NSKeyedArchiver should always use mangled names. If we 
>>>>>> want cross-platform archives, we should set up standard substitutions, 
>>>>>> but given that Swift classes exposed to Objective-C are archived with 
>>>>>> their full names it doesn't make sense to use "half the name" in the 
>>>>>> archive.
>>>>> You mean namespaced but unmangled yes? If so I agree.
>>>>> BTW I found a couple of small CF nits:
>>>>> * in CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(), keybuf and valuebuf are transposed 
>>>>> in the call to CF_SWIFT_FUNCDISPATCHV(NSDictionary.getObjects())
>>>>> * _CFSwiftDictionaryGetKeysAndValues() does not handle keybuf or valbuf 
>>>>> being NULL (either of which are valid when calling 
>>>>> CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues())
>>>> This is a bit un-related to NSCoding and the transposition is probably a 
>>>> mistake if it is inverted (the CF method should be reversed from the NS 
>>>> method to mimic the objc counterpart)
>>>>> — Luke
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