No, we cannot encode things "non-mangled but with the namespace". For any type 
other than top-level non-generic class types, using a non-mangled name is not 
unique. The only correct answer for arbitrary classes is to use mangled names, 
or something that maps one-to-one with mangled names.

Now, Foundation classes are not arbitrary classes, but then I don't see why 
we'd need to use mangled names for those. We can just use the plain old 
Objective-C names that the OS X classes use today.


> On Dec 22, 2015, at 10:16, Philippe Hausler via swift-corelibs-dev 
> <> wrote:
> To clarify the goals: I think it is reasonable for us to have a goal to be 
> able to encode/decode archives from foreign targets; e.g. linux encodes an 
> archive and mac os x decodes or iOS encodes and linux decodes. This will 
> allow for server architecture to transmit binary archives across the wire. 
> This will mean that we will want to have the encoded class names from the 
> application scope to be encoded as the non mangled name but with the 
> namespace. However this presents a problem; Foundation will have a namespace 
> which will need to be inferred both for encoding and decoding. Thankfully 
> there may be a reasonable way to approach this;
> public class func classNameForClass(cls: AnyClass) -> String?
> public class func setClassName(codedName: String?, forClass cls: AnyClass)
> These methods can be used to allow for translation of classes by registering 
> the appropriate classes for a “shortened” name that drops the 
> Foundation/SwiftFoundation namespace prefix during encoding.
>> On Dec 22, 2015, at 2:45 AM, Luke Howard via swift-corelibs-dev 
>> <> wrote:
>>> On 22 Dec 2015, at 5:50 AM, Jordan Rose <> wrote:
>>> IMHO on Linux NSKeyedArchiver should always use mangled names. If we want 
>>> cross-platform archives, we should set up standard substitutions, but given 
>>> that Swift classes exposed to Objective-C are archived with their full 
>>> names it doesn't make sense to use "half the name" in the archive.
>> You mean namespaced but unmangled yes? If so I agree.
>> BTW I found a couple of small CF nits:
>> * in CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(), keybuf and valuebuf are transposed in 
>> the call to CF_SWIFT_FUNCDISPATCHV(NSDictionary.getObjects())
>> * _CFSwiftDictionaryGetKeysAndValues() does not handle keybuf or valbuf 
>> being NULL (either of which are valid when calling 
>> CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues())
> This is a bit un-related to NSCoding and the transposition is probably a 
> mistake if it is inverted (the CF method should be reversed from the NS 
> method to mimic the objc counterpart)
>> — Luke
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