My plan was just to map any flat unmangled names to SwiftFoundation classes 
without the boilerplate explicit mappings, but happy to change approaches.

That's what the code in the branch I posted yesterday does, but I need to fix 
it to encode the mangled name for non-one level class types - was planning to 
implement NSClassFromString/NSStringFromClass at the same time so at least the 
logic is in one place, and those can be refined over time.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 24 Dec 2015, at 11:07, Philippe Hausler <> wrote:
> So one thing we can do in the interim until there is a sanctioned way for us 
> to convert strings to classes and classes to strings is we can register the 
> classes globally for transformation so that the Foundation or SwiftFoundation 
> module name won’t be an issue.
> By doing this early on in the initialization for NSKeyedArchiver, once of 
> course.
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSArray", forClass: NSArray.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSByteCountFormatter", forClass: 
> NSByteCountFormatter.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSData", forClass: NSData.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSDate", forClass: NSDate.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSDateFormatter", forClass: 
> NSDateFormatter.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSDateIntervalFormatter", forClass: 
> NSDateIntervalFormatter.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSDecimalNumber", forClass: 
> NSDecimalNumber.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSDictionary", forClass: NSDictionary.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSEnergyFormatter", forClass: 
> NSEnergyFormatter.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSFormatter", forClass: NSFormatter.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSLengthFormatter", forClass: 
> NSLengthFormatter.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSMassFormatter", forClass: 
> NSMassFormatter.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSMessagePort", forClass: 
> NSMessagePort.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSMutableArray", forClass: 
> NSMutableArray.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSMutableData", forClass: 
> NSMutableData.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSMutableDictionary", forClass: 
> NSMutableDictionary.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSMutableSet", forClass: NSMutableSet.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSMutableString", forClass: 
> NSMutableString.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSNotification", forClass: 
> NSNotification.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSNumber", forClass: NSNumber.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSNumberFormatter", forClass: 
> NSNumberFormatter.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSPersonNameComponentsFormatter", forClass: 
> NSPersonNameComponentsFormatter.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSPort", forClass: NSPort.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSRegularExpression", forClass: 
> NSRegularExpression.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSSet", forClass: NSSet.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSSocketPort", forClass: NSSocketPort.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSString", forClass: NSString.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSTextCheckingResult", forClass: 
> NSTextCheckingResult.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSTimeZone", forClass: NSTimeZone.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSUUID", forClass: NSUUID.self)
>     NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("NSValue", forClass: NSValue.self)
> I have a few more things that I was looking at for supporting this that might 
> be useful depending on how far along you are.
> This should give us at least a head start on the NSCoding compliant 
> Foundation classes and user classes can come next once we have support.
>>> On Dec 23, 2015, at 3:33 PM, Luke Howard <> wrote:
>>> On 24 Dec 2015, at 10:12 AM, Philippe Hausler <> wrote:
>>> NSCoding will have to use something to transform from strings to classes, 
>>> and that satisfy the two cases (or more) that we have already shown, 
>>> currently there is no thing that does that in either form; either mangled 
>>> or non mangled. Basically we need something to implement NSClassFromString 
>>> with. Which we have clearly shown that dlsym does not fully meet the needs 
>>> since there are cases that will emit as “module.classname” and others that 
>>> emit as the mangled name. The simple case is probably going to be the a 
>>> very common usage pattern for consumers (and of previously built 
>>> applications). The inner class should definitely be handled in addition to 
>>> this case.
>> * If the mangled name is present in the archive, you can re-mangle it to get 
>> the metadata accessor
>> * If it’s a one-level unmangled name representing a class, it can be mangled
>> * If it’s a zero-level unmangled name, then it seems reasonable for a first 
>> implementation to assume it’s a SwiftFoundation class (or that the caller 
>> has set an explicit mapping)
>> Noted that dlsym() will only work with public symbols.
>>> Are there any methods that can fetch the name (either the symbolic or the 
>>> readable) given a AnyClass in the runtime to get work started here? I think 
>>> it is definitely sensible as a start to restrict this just to descendants 
>>> of the class NSObject. I would presume that since the Metadata is 
>>> potentially volatile contents we should use something along the lines of 
>>> swift_getTypeName etc?
>> I have been using _typeName() but it always demangles – for interop with 
>> existing archives we need to match the behaviour of libobjc's 
>> class_getName() (equivalent to NSStringFromClass), which appears to demangle 
>> one-level classes.
>> — Luke
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