> On 24 Dec 2015, at 9:37 AM, Jordan Rose <jordan_r...@apple.com> wrote:
> No, we cannot encode things "non-mangled but with the namespace". For any 
> type other than top-level non-generic class types, using a non-mangled name 
> is not unique. The only correct answer for arbitrary classes is to use 
> mangled names, or something that maps one-to-one with mangled names.

Ah, thanks for pointing this out!

NSClassFromString() – which it appears Foundation uses when coding – returns a 
non-mangled name for a one/top-level non-generic class type (e.g. 
“scoderTest.CodableTest”) but otherwise the mangled type name (e.g. 

Is there an equivalent function in Swift stdlib?

— Luke
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