NSKeyedUnarchiver is working, at least for a few classes for which I’ve 
implemented initWithCoder:. Promisingly encoding and decoding nested Swift 
classes works, using name mangling we discussed yesterday.

It does use NSPropertyListSerialization to read the entire property list into 
memory, whereas it appears Foundation incrementally decodes the archive 
directly. I’m not sure if I’ll have time to implement incremental decoding but 
at least this should be a start.

— Luke

> On 24 Dec 2015, at 1:51 PM, Luke Howard via swift-corelibs-dev 
> <swift-corelibs-dev@swift.org> wrote:
> I’m planning to use this for now:
> https://github.com/lhoward/swift-corelibs-foundation/commit/177e7d9f945db58217edec70d90d5cb53cba0245
> <https://github.com/lhoward/swift-corelibs-foundation/commit/177e7d9f945db58217edec70d90d5cb53cba0245>
> Noted that it won’t work for non-public symbols, but at least I can see how 
> far I can get with NSKeyedArchiver/Unarchiver in the meantime.
> — Luke
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