Le 23 déc. 2015 à 10:07, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
<swift-evolution@swift.org> a écrit :
> 3) Annoyance.  Some consider it to be annoying to have to annotate a class 
> declaration in order to inherit from it.  People stating this argument either 
> are either writing a lot of superclasses or are so bothered by the need to 
> annotate their type declarations that they avoid `final` and its related 
> benefits when that is really the right thing for their class.  For me 
> personally, `final` is the right thing for most classes I write.  I also 
> think adding a `final` annotation is the right thing to do if you’re not sure 
> whether it will be a superclass or not.  The need to modify the annotation 
> will remind you that you haven’t fully considered inheritance in your design 
> yet.
> ...
> 5) Prototyping.  This should also not influence the decision about what the 
> default is for production code.  I would not have a problem with a 
> prototyping environment allowing `inheritable` by default (maybe a Playground 
> mode?).  There could even be a tool that migrates the prototype to a real 
> project and adds the `inheritable` annotation where necessary.  Regardless of 
> what happens here, the prototyping problem can and should be solved 
> independently of the production language and should not influence the default 
> is used in and impacts production code.
> 6) Education.  There may be some value in allowing inheritance by default in 
> education settings, especially early on.  I view this as being quite similar 
> to the prototyping case and again should not have an influence on the default 
> that professionals use in production code.

I think these three concerns would be addressed in good part by having sealed 
by default instead of `final`.

I'm not sure why you say the last two should be addressed separately from the 
"production" language. Are you proposing Swift should come in multiple language 

Michel Fortin

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