> On Dec 23, 2015, at 3:21 PM, Tino Heth <2...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> I think it's best to keep this thread focused on classes.  We can start a 
>> new thread for methods later if desired.  But we should wait until the dust 
>> has settled on the classes conversation IMO.
> I disagree: The whole thread is not about practical implications but rather 
> about general standpoints, so the discussion will be identical — and I 
> foresee that this second thread would start with "now that we made classes 
> final by default, it's just natural consequence to do the same with methods".
>>> Making `final` the default, or `sealed` the default, encourages the use of 
>>> closed class hierarchies. It attempts to make inflexibility the preferred 
>>> form of shared Swift code. I'm not sure that's the right thing to do.
>> I don't agree with this framing.  IMO it encourages alternative designs 
>> emphasizing protocols and composition.  This is a very good thing IMHO.  I 
>> like to think of inheritance is a tool is last resort. 
> The claim about inflexibility is to take with a grain of salt, but why do you 
> think it is good to force your opinion on how flexibility should be achieved 
> on others? Protocols and composition are useful without breaking inheritance, 
> just leave the choice to the people.

I’m not trying to force my opinion on anyone.  I’m just making a case for the 
advantages of a particular default.  Changing the default does not break 
inheritance at all.  Nobody has to use the default when it doesn’t fit the 
design they wish to implement.  
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