Sounds like you are going to continue using Objective-C until you can
get God on your team.

On Wed, Dec 23, 2015, at 11:23, Charles Srstka wrote:
>> On Dec 23, 2015, at 1:12 PM, Felipe Cypriano via swift-evolution <swift-
>>> wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 23, 2015, at 09:25, Tino Heth wrote:
>>>> The benefits of it far out weight the fears of having it.
>>> so what is the practical problem that's solved by final that
>>> convinced you?
>> I like to make those kind of questions to make people think about it
>> with an open mind. Currently the way I'm seeing it, the arguments
>> against it are mostly based on fear of change. It feeling that it
>> could be applied to other things in Swift like strong types "I hate
>> that can't just call this method on this AnyObject instance"; or
>> access control "I can't just perform selector on a private method
>> anymore”.
> Or “I’ve had to work with other people’s C++ code before, and I know
> what a PITA it is when there’s an issue you could easily solve by
> subclassing and overriding a few methods, but the library author,
> lacking ESP and knowledge of the future, didn’t anticipate that use
> case.” Surely I can’t be the only one that’s happened to.
> But don’t get me wrong, this proposal can work all right just as long
> as we get rid of all human developers from all library and framework
> projects, and hire God to do them instead. I wonder how much he
> charges?
> Charles
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