> Why is it important to highlight word boundaries in so many other conventions 
> in Swift but not in this one? What would be lost with this alternative?
> public
> module_private
> file_private
> private
> Is it just the extra (chorded, on US keyboards) keystroke? I think the 
> readability benefits of clear word boundaries far outweigh the keystroke cost 
> (especially with good editor auto-complete).

Swift style, deriving from Objective-C style, seems to disfavor underscores in 
general, except as a "formally public but informally private" marker at the 
beginning of an identifier. We're in the process of removing the last 
underscored language constructs, `@warn_unused_result` and its 
`mutable_variant` parameter, and replacing them with alternatives without 

So if we wanted to mark a word boundary, we'd probably use camelCase. And to 
me, camelCase just feels wrong for keywords, particularly ones as common as 
access modifiers. I think it's because identifiers are camelCase too; you 
really want keywords to disappear into the background, but in something like 

        modulePrivate func spinWicket() {

That `modulePrivate` looks like an identifier—maybe a return type or 
something—rather than a keyword.

Honestly, though, I'm not sure why people are working so hard to cram `private` 
in there. Does `moduleprivate` or `private(module)` really convey more 
information than `module`? Particularly once you've looked it up and know that 
it's an access modifier?

Brent Royal-Gordon

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