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> On May 9, 2016, at 3:01 AM, Andrew Trick <> wrote:
>>> On May 7, 2016, at 11:51 PM, Dave Abrahams <> wrote:
>>> Does Array<T> have value semantics then only if T also has value
>>> semantics?
>> This is a great question; I had to rewrite my response four times.
>> In my world, an Array<T> always has value semantics if you respect the
>> boundaries of element values as defined by ==.  That means that if T is
>> a mutable reference type, you're not looking through references, because
>> == is equivalent to ===.
>> Therefore, for almost any interesting SomeConstraint that doesn't refine
>> ValueSemantics, then
>>  Array<T: SomeConstraint>
>> only has value semantics if T has value semantics, since SomeConstraint
>> presumably uses aspects of T other than reference identity.  
> I just had a chance to digest Dave's answer. It explains a lot.
> PureValue was defined in terms of the type's physical representation:
> - A struct with no reference properties
> - Recursively, a reference to immutable or uniquely referenced memory.
> It's defined such that we can say Array<T> is a PureValue iff T is a 
> PureValue.
> There is currently no procedure for determining PureValue because we have no 
> way to declare that references are immutable or uniquely referenced. It would 
> be a promise by the developer.
> Now attempting to look at it from Dave's direction, value semantics apply to 
> the variable's type, not the object's physical representation:
> let v2 = v1
> f(v1)
> assert(v1 == v2)
> If everything is a value, then this always works. Great!
> If the variable's type does not allow mutating shared state, then operations 
> on the variable are operating on a value.
> protocol ValueP {
>   func compute() -> Result // nonmutating
> }
> func g(v1 : ValueP) {
>   let v2 = v1
>   v1.compute()
>   assert(v1 == v2)
> }
> Nice. ‘compute' cannot change the value. Those value semantics do not tell me 
> anything about shared state or function purity. For that, I need some 
> additional constraint on 'compute'. Knowing that it does not mutate the 
> 'self' value is insufficient.
> One way of doing that, for example, is to declare that 'compute' transitively 
> cannot access globals *and* ValueP must be a PureValue. Now I can safely 
> write this:
> protocol ValueP : PureValue {
>   @strawman_noglobal func compute() -> Result
> }
> /// Return (v1.compute, v2.compute)
> func g(v1 : ValueP, v2 : ValueP) -> (Result, Result) {
>   let r1 = v1.compute()
>   if v1 == v2 {
>     return (r1, r1)
>   }
>   return (r1, v2.compute())
> }
> So, Dave is right that we need to decide soon whether we can make stronger 
> assumptions about value semantics. But that is a separate question from how 
> to express function purity. I don't think there is any urgency in introducing 
> things like the PureValue protocol or @strawman_noglobals attribute, now that 
> we have clearly established shared-state-mutability-by-default. When we want 
> to seriously have that discussion, we should consider other alternatives. I 
> would prefer to wait until indirect structs and improved CoW support have had 
> more discussion.

One more thing that I think we would all agree must come first is some way to 
specify in code that a type has value semantics (whether or not it is pure).  
Is there any ongoing discussion about that?

> -Andy
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