> Tino, would you like to form an 'official' proposal for this(newlines as 
> separators) feature? As I can see, there is a much support in community for 
> this idea, but no one said yet he/she will create a proposal for this.(or I 
> just missed this)
I feel honored, but I guess there are others (native speaker, closer relation 
to the core team...) who are better suited than me...
On the other hand, I lack fear of seeing a proposal rejected ;-), so as long as 
deeper thinking doesn't reveal any downsides, I don't mind spending some hours 
and putting my name on the pull request.
Afaics, there are no plans to change SE-0084 to at least add "making commas 
optional if followed by a newline" as an alternative, so the first step would 
be a separate thread ("Newlines as item separators in lists"?) — but as all 
examples in the proposal use commas followed by newlines, I think all of its 
goals could be archived 
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