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On May 17, 2016, at 11:32 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon <> wrote:

>> Our updated approach focuses on the two most important conventions: one for 
>> initialization and one for representation.
>> 1. `Initializable`
>> `Initializable` designates protocols that convert *from* a type or from an 
>> associated type mentioned in the protocol name, such as the current 
>> `<Type>LiteralConvertible` protocols.  This convention would include member 
>> requirements for initializers, factory methods, and any other way an 
>> instance can be imported to establish a new instance of the conforming type.
>> For example, conforming to `ArrayLiteralInitializable` would allow a set to 
>> be created with `Set(arrayLiteral: <some array>)` and `var set: Set<T> = []`.
>> This phrase replaces the `Creatable` form from our original proposal.
>> 2. `Representable`
>> `Representable` designates protocols whose primary purpose is to project 
>> *to* a type or associated type mentioned in the protocol name.  Items in the 
>> standard library that would be subsumed into this naming include 
>> `CustomStringConvertible`, `CustomDebugStringConvertible`, and 
>> `RawRepresentable`, which we imagine would become 
>> `CustomStringRepresentable`, `CustomDebugStringRepresentable`, and (as 
>> current) `RawRepresentable`.
>> This second category groups together the `Convertible` and `Representable` 
>> categories from our original proposal and is predicated on the feedback from 
>> the design team review. The `Representable` designation does not promise 
>> bidirectional conversion although some `Representable` protocols may include 
>> requirements to allow attempted initialization *from* the type of the 
>> representation. Doing so falls outside the naming contract we are proposing.
> If we're doing this, I wonder if category 1 shouldn't just be `Convertible`. 
> This would preserve our `LiteralConvertible` protocols with the same names 
> (which, consistency issues aside, seem perfectly cromulent), while shifting 
> the `StringConvertible` protocols over to the `Representable` category.

Do you really think 'Convertible' is more clear than 'Initializable'?

> -- 
> Brent Royal-Gordon
> Architechies

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