>> If we're doing this, I wonder if category 1 shouldn't just be `Convertible`. 
>> This would preserve our `LiteralConvertible` protocols with the same names 
>> (which, consistency issues aside, seem perfectly cromulent), while shifting 
>> the `StringConvertible` protocols over to the `Representable` category.
> Do you really think 'Convertible' is more clear than 'Initializable'?

I don't think `Convertible` is clearer than `Initializable`, but I think it 
rolls off the tongue better, is easier to spell, is more compatible with 
non-initializer implementations, and in general wins on a lot of squishy, 
subjective, hard-to-define axes.

Subjectively, I've noticed that a lot of people *don't* think of things like 
`Double(myFloat)` as being initializers; they think of them as conversions. To 
those people, `Convertible` is probably the right name.

Brent Royal-Gordon

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