Sent from my iPhone

> On 19 Jul 2016, at 23:36, L. Mihalkovic <> wrote:
> Regards
> (From mobile)
>> On Jul 19, 2016, at 11:05 PM, Goffredo Marocchi <> wrote:
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 19 Jul 2016, at 19:37, L. Mihalkovic <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Regards
>>> (From mobile)
>>>> On Jul 19, 2016, at 8:19 PM, Goffredo Marocchi via swift-evolution 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> <off-topic>
>>>>> Cocoa currently hides the boilerplate for all of these wonderful 
>>>>> constructs behind amazingly effective runtime acrobatics. This fits 
>>>>> perfectly into Objective-C, and it also works very well in Swift. But 
>>>>> such features could be in better harmony with Swift's unique set of 
>>>>> language constructs if their boilerplate was hidden behind amazingly 
>>>>> effective **compile-time** acrobatics instead.
>>>>> Such compile-time acrobatics are hard to perform today, and it is 
>>>>> possible that the ability to create such systems will forever remain an 
>>>>> advanced skill, just like forging runtime magic requires advanced skills 
>>>>> in Objective-C.
>>>> ... rantish...
>>>> I am still not convinced that even the best compiler can fully replace 
>>>> what a powerful runtime can provide no matter the acrobatics you put in in 
>>>> terms of compiler introduced utility code/constructs or the code analysis 
>>>> efforts you can put in at compile time
>>> That is a fact back by some interesting papers.
>> It would be interesting if this is practical or a theoretical you could, but 
>> would you? Can such a compiler exist and if it does what is preventing it 
>> from being the standard way we build software with? Recursion only languages 
>> are possible and a fact too. Do you have some links btw?
>> All the magic comes with a price ;), what is the price of only relying on 
>> static code analysis? How much do we pay in productivity? Nothing is free.
> Runtime optimization beats compiler hands down on long running code. Don't 
> think swift will ever be as good as java on servers, but I don't think it is 
> their target either, so all's well. I wish google would fork swift next year 
> to make it more credible on servers. Don't get me wrong, swift is great.. as 
> a successor to objc. I had high hopes when it came out, but at the moment i 
> take far more pleasure in writting generic code in typescript. This is quite 
> disapointing so far, and 3 is just differently unfinished than 2 was, but not 
> fundamentally enhanced.

I think we were not in disagreement :).

>> How much would we pay in performance if one day the CPU takes the same 
>> approach and throws branch predictors, prefetchers, register renaming and 
>> reorder buffers, store-load forwarding, etc... (I am also insanely convinced 
>> that given proper funds and a modern manufacturing process IA-64 had a 
>> chance to prove itself and kick some ass ;))
> At what power cost?  In the end arm is showing that simplicity works.

ARM has cleverly added a lot of runtime HW enhancements over the years: wider 
SIMD, it used to offer predication on every instruction essentially, it added 
out of order execution, I would be surprised if they did not properly address 
Load-Hit-Store stalls by doing clever pipeline stage data forwarding, etc... 
but still, we agree that the simplicity of their overall approach yielded 
awesome results (like Alpha was having on servers).

>> and we have another go at VLIW?
>>> By it is also true that one cannot always be used in place of the other.
>>>> ... unless that work essentially replaces the runtime. Do we want to help 
>>>> coders with a great compiler and static analysis tools? Yes! Do we need to 
>>>> castrate the runtime to achieve this making it physically impossible for 
>>>> developers to escape the controlled environment we strictly want them to 
>>>> live in? I do not think so and we may regret the results once everything 
>>>> including UI and app frameworks are all Swifty™ (it is starting to get 
>>>> marketing firm icky when a discussion is stopped when this word is invoked 
>>>> or inflamed by a disagreement on who is more swiftly orthodox). I think 
>>>> that without holding technology back due to fear, we should not proceed 
>>>> only with the assumption that old way == worst thing ever  while  new way 
>>>> == it is new and young, it must be good.
>>>> Objective-C did not survive and thrive in Cocoa for so many years 
>>>> completely in spite of its many many deficiencies as sometimes it seems on 
>>>> this list (Objective-C being put down more than necessary IMHO... Swift 
>>>> does not need this kind of sometimes slightly biased comparison to be 
>>>> appreciated in full, but it can stand on its own merits). 
>>>> Maybe the reason we like Cocoa/Cocoa Touck/AppKit/UIKit/etc... is 
>>>> precisely because of the beautiful balance it strikes between (sometimes 
>>>> leaning more on developers opting-in) safety and versatility allowing good 
>>>> code to be produced and tested quickly thus allowing easier prototyping, 
>>>> refactoring, and iterative development.
>>>> Sorry for the even more off topic bit and thank you to those people who 
>>>> read this.
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