> Am 20.07.2016 um 18:20 schrieb L. Mihalkovic <laurent.mihalko...@gmail.com>:
>> So my advice: Be glad that you don't see such problems in your real work 
>> life, and hope that the extremists who would like to completely remove 
>> classic object orientation and cripple Swift to fully match their ideals 
>> don't prevail ;-)
> That ship has sailed... it is now just a matter of the implementation 
> details... My hopes are now on google forking swift like they did to webkit 
> and dalvik. It won't save the apps, bug it would the servers.
;-) nay, that's a little bit to pessimistic for me:
After all, even with SE-0117, you can still write nice code with Swift — it 
just will be less fun :(

Afaics, there is constant pressure to turn Swift into a language for fools, 
rather than a language that helps us avoiding foolish mistakes… but so far, 
Swift got more things right for me than any of the alternatives.
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