Such something went wrong with the `[Stage-2]` annotation? 

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 17. Februar 2017 um 09:20:41, Adrian Zubarev 
( schrieb:

I’d like to revive an additive proposal that couldn’t make it into Swift 3. 
This proposal has a small improvement to the language compared to other big 
features currently being proposed. It almost feels like a bug fix rather than a 
new feature, but it still needs a full and quick review process.

You can read the formatted version here:

return consistency for single-expressions

Proposal: SE-NNNN
Author: Adrian Zubarev
Status: Awaiting review
Review manager: TBD

Any single-expression closure can omit the return statement. This proposal aims 
to make this feature more consistent in some other corners of the language.

Original swift-evolution thread: * [Pitch] [Stage–2] return consistency for 
single-expressions * [Pitch] (Bofore Swift 3) Make return optional in computed 
properties for a single case


Closures can omit the return and have an inferred return type:

let _ = { 42 } // Type: () -> Int

let _ = [1,2,3].map { $0 * 5 } // T == Int
There are also value returning code blocks in the language that feel the same 
but are inconsistent to the mentioned feature:

// Read-write computed property:
var integer: Int {   
    get { return 2016 }   
    set { /* do some work */ }   

// Read-only computed property:
var string: String { return "hello swift" }   

// Function:
func pi() -> Double {
    return 3.141

// Read-Write subscript:
subscript(index: Int) -> Int {
    get { return index % 2 }
    set { /* do some work */ }

// Read-only subscript:
subscript(index: Int) -> Int { return index * 2 }
Proposed solution

Make return optional for the following top level code blocks that only contain 
a single expression:

That will allow us to rewrite the above example to:

// Read-Write computed property:
var integer: Int {   
    get { 2016 }   

// Read-only computed property:
var string: String { "hello swift" }   

// Function:
func pi() -> Double { 3.141 }

// Read-Write subscript:
subscript(index: Int) -> Int {
    get { index % 2 }

// Read-only subscript:
subscript(index: Int) -> Int { index * 2 }
Possible real world example:

// Today
public struct Character {
    public let source: Module.Source
    private let _pointer: UnsafePointer<Swift.Character>
    public var value: Swift.Character {
        return self._pointer.pointee

// Rewritten:
public struct Character {
    public var value: Swift.Character { self._pointer.pointee }
Impact on existing code

None, this change will only relax some existing rules.

Alternatives considered

Leave this as is and live with such inconsistency.

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail
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