> On Feb 18, 2017, at 9:59 PM, Kevin Nattinger <sw...@nattinger.net> wrote:
>> On Feb 18, 2017, at 7:33 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> On Feb 17, 2017, at 12:20 AM, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> I’d like to revive an additive proposal that couldn’t make it into Swift 3. 
>>> This proposal has a small improvement to the language compared to other big 
>>> features currently being proposed. It almost feels like a bug fix rather 
>>> than a new feature, but it still needs a full and quick review process.
>>> You can read the formatted version here: 
>>> https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/pull/608 
>>> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/pull/608>
>> Just MHO, but I consider this syntactic sugar, not a fundamental feature 
>> that fits the goal of Swift 4 stage 2.  
> Not that I’m necessarily in favor of this change, but my impression was that 
> the whole point of stage 1/2 was that anything not allowed in stage 1 is fair 
> game in stage 2 (if it happens; that doesn’t seem to be likely at this 
> point).  What exactly is the goal of stage 2 then, should there actually be 
> time for it?

As Xiaodi mentioned downthread, that is not the case.  Swift 4 stage 2 has 
specific changes that are accepted, because it has a fixed schedule and we have 
to prioritize the most important things for the community.

The art of evolving Swift forward is to carefully pick and choose areas to 
focus on, both because we want to ensure a coherent language, but also because 
implementor bandwidth is limited.

Beyond that, though syntactic sugar is always motivated by strong rationale and 
use-cases, in my opinion, it is the most dangerous kind of additive feature to 
consider at this point of Swift’s evolution.  While these features are useful, 
they also clearly add complexity to the language, and it is difficult to gauge 
whether the problem being addressed will even exist in Swift as the other 
bigger features come in (for example, a macro system).  These features can also 
make future language evolution more problematic because they consume syntactic 
real estate in the language.

If you’re into analogies, I see features like the generics improvements, 
ownership model, concurrency model, macro system, new frameworks, and other 
large scale efforts as the “bricks" that make up the house of Swift.  In that 
analogy, syntactic sugar proposals are “mortar” that fills in the cracks 
between the bricks.  If we add too much mortar too early on, we run the risk of 
the house of Swift being built out of mortar, or of not being able to fit the 
bricks into the right places.  That would be very bad, given that we all want 
the house of Swift to be strong and beautiful over the long term.


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