> On 19 Feb 2017, at 19:14, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> On Feb 18, 2017, at 9:59 PM, Kevin Nattinger <sw...@nattinger.net> wrote:
>>> On Feb 18, 2017, at 7:33 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>> On Feb 17, 2017, at 12:20 AM, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution 
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>> I’d like to revive an additive proposal that couldn’t make it into Swift 
>>>> 3. This proposal has a small improvement to the language compared to other 
>>>> big features currently being proposed. It almost feels like a bug fix 
>>>> rather than a new feature, but it still needs a full and quick review 
>>>> process.
>>>> You can read the formatted version here: 
>>>> https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/pull/608
>>> Just MHO, but I consider this syntactic sugar, not a fundamental feature 
>>> that fits the goal of Swift 4 stage 2.  
>> Not that I’m necessarily in favor of this change, but my impression was that 
>> the whole point of stage 1/2 was that anything not allowed in stage 1 is 
>> fair game in stage 2 (if it happens; that doesn’t seem to be likely at this 
>> point).  What exactly is the goal of stage 2 then, should there actually be 
>> time for it?
> As Xiaodi mentioned downthread, that is not the case.  Swift 4 stage 2 has 
> specific changes that are accepted, because it has a fixed schedule and we 
> have to prioritize the most important things for the community.
> The art of evolving Swift forward is to carefully pick and choose areas to 
> focus on, both because we want to ensure a coherent language, but also 
> because implementor bandwidth is limited.
> Beyond that, though syntactic sugar is always motivated by strong rationale 
> and use-cases, in my opinion, it is the most dangerous kind of additive 
> feature to consider at this point of Swift’s evolution.  While these features 
> are useful, they also clearly add complexity to the language, and it is 
> difficult to gauge whether the problem being addressed will even exist in 
> Swift as the other bigger features come in (for example, a macro system).  
> These features can also make future language evolution more problematic 
> because they consume syntactic real estate in the language.
> If you’re into analogies, I see features like the generics improvements, 
> ownership model, concurrency model, macro system, new frameworks, and other 
> large scale efforts as the “bricks" that make up the house of Swift.  In that 
> analogy, syntactic sugar proposals are “mortar” that fills in the cracks 
> between the bricks.  If we add too much mortar too early on, we run the risk 
> of the house of Swift being built out of mortar, or of not being able to fit 
> the bricks into the right places.  That would be very bad, given that we all 
> want the house of Swift to be strong and beautiful over the long term.
> -Chris



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