> On Feb 17, 2017, at 1:42 PM, Charles Srstka via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> - Much better performance. In my testing, updating the completedUnitProperty, 
> with something observing it, takes 1.04 seconds on my 2013 Retinabook, 
> compared with NSProgress’s 52.91 seconds (58.53 seconds if an autorelease 
> pool is used). This frees back-end code from the responsibility of being 
> adulterated with what is effectively UI code in order to determine when the 
> progress object should be updated.

This should have said “updating the completedUnitProperty one million times, 
with something observing it.” I eagerly await the implementation of our new 
forum, hopefully with an edit feature, with bated breath.


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