> On Feb 21, 2017, at 5:24 AM, Rod Brown <rodney.bro...@icloud.com> wrote:
> I applaud the idea. I too find the (NS)Progress API to be very low quality. 
> It seems a vestige of an earlier time when Cocoa was young and APIs that seem 
> like they should be simple, just... aren't. I would love to see a much better 
> API developed.
> I'm curious how this idea of developing something from the ground up works 
> with Apple's preferred idea of using Swift to bring Foundation forward.

There are several ground-up replacements in the Swift overlay already, if you 
look at the various value types that have been introduced to replace various NS 
classes (granted, some of them call through to the underlying Foundation API 
for their implementation, but others don’t). As long as we eventually end up 
supporting NSProgress’s interface, something like this should be possible to 
drop in as long as we do it before the ABI stability lockdown.

In any event, I BSD-licensed the code, so it’s free to use whether or not Apple 
ends up using it, so feel free to give it a try (for performance testing, be 
sure to compile in Release mode, as it does much better with the optimizations 
on). If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know.


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