> On Nov 30, 2017, at 3:19 PM, Dave DeLong <sw...@davedelong.com> wrote:
>> On Nov 30, 2017, at 4:08 PM, Jonathan Hull <jh...@gbis.com 
>> <mailto:jh...@gbis.com>> wrote:
>>> On Nov 30, 2017, at 1:58 PM, Dave DeLong <sw...@davedelong.com 
>>> <mailto:sw...@davedelong.com>> wrote:
>>>> On Nov 30, 2017, at 2:48 PM, Jonathan Hull via swift-evolution 
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>>> I would personally go with:
>>>>    Int.random //Returns a random Int
>>> “Type.random” is so rarely used as to not be worth the addition, IMO. If 
>>> you really need a random element from the *entire* domain, then I think you 
>>> should have to manually create the ClosedRange<T> yourself.
>> What evidence do you have that this will not be used often?  There are many 
>> types which aren’t comparable, and thus can’t have a ClosedRange.  Bool, for 
>> example, would definitely require Bool.Random.  I certainly use the full 
>> range of UInt and UInt8 on a regular basis (less so with Int).
> Bool doesn’t necessarily need “Bool.random”. You just just as easily do 
> “[true, false].random()”

I suppose you can do that, but [true, false].randomElement() is much less 
efficient than Bool.random().  You are creating an array each time you need a 
Bool, which in some of my use-cases, is pretty often.

> As for evidence… my own experience. Other than small-value types (like Bool), 
> it is *exceptionally* rare to come across a situation where you need a random 
> from the entire range. Random colors  are interesting, but are rare because 
> they can’t guarantee design aesthetic. Random Dates are nonsensical. Random 
> Ints are maybe useful, but again, you almost always need a random Int from a 
> range of possible values.

The fact that you haven’t needed it in your personal use cases isn’t evidence 
that others don’t need it.

>> I think it is important to have Type.random as the base because there are 
>> many types which would conform (not just Int & Double).  For example, I 
>> might have an enum which returns a random case from MyEnum.random.  How 
>> would you do that if random(in:) was the required base?
> I actually don’t think there should be a static “random()” method. I think it 
> should be a member function, not a type function.

I don’t understand this.  What would 1.random() do?

> As for picking a random enum, see the previous bit about picking a random 
> bool. And that will get even easier once we get the patch where enums have a 
> static value listing all their cases, such as “CardSuits.allValues.random()”.

This would use .randomElement().  I think it is important to have a different 
name for generating a random value and picking a random element from a 
collection to avoid conflating the two.

>>>>    Int.random(in: ClosedRange<Int>) //Works for Comparable types. Gives a 
>>>> result from the closed range. Closed Range is never empty.
>>> This is redundant. In order to pick a random element, you’re saying I 
>>> should have to do “Int.random(0 ..< 10)”? The redundancy here is that I 
>>> have to specify Int twice: once for the “.random” call, and again for the 
>>> type of the range. We can do better than that.
>> You didn’t have to specify it twice.  You used integer literals for the 
>> range, which you could also do for Double or CGFloat.  Also, I am proposing 
>> that we require a closed range, which would mean you would have to do 
>> Int.random(0…9).  Otherwise we have to deal with ranges which are possibly 
>> empty.
> “0…9.random()” makes more sense to me than “Int.random(in: 0…9)". It makes it 
> easier to change the type, and it doesn’t require me to know a priori the 
> type of the range I’m dealing with.

I think you could have both Int.random(in: 0…9) and (0…9).randomElement() 
without issue.  You could even argue for conditionally conforming ranges and 
allowing (0…9).random(), though it might be a harder sell.

Note that Int.random(in:) returns an ‘Int', and Range<Int>.randomElement() 
returns an ‘Int?'


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