On Wed, 2008-03-05 at 14:50 +0100, Spiess Bernd wrote:
> you wrote nothing about line usage

Right: it's for a web-design company, so 80% download (http), 20% upload
(sftp/scp/ftp/rsync), no p2p (afaik and according to ntop :-), Jabber
clients everywhere.  

I see no traffic peaks, just these disconnects...

> i´d recomend to graph the dsl-line-usage on a 1 second
> intervall-base to see if you have peaks. additionally
> put a icmp paket loss to it - then you see if
> line usage corresponds to paket or link loss.

ok, thanks for all the suggestions (and the other posts on the list),
I'm sure some of them will help! 


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