> Hi SwiNOGers !
> We're looking here in my company to do some extra environmental
> monitoring. We're mainly looking for some temperature, air flow and AC
voltage monitoring.
> We don't really want to invest in expensive solutions like APC's one, or
Rittal. The sensorProbe products (from either AKCP or BlackBox) are
quite interesting.
> And you, what do you have in your datacenters ? Any hints to some other
good products ?
> Have a nice day!
> -olivier


For temperature it all depends on how many positions you wish to monitor,
perhaps the cheapest (In terms of time plus cost) is solution which is
offered by Distrelec, look it up on their site, it has article number
866230. For about 420.- CHF you will get a little box capable with 4
sensors which are accesable via SNMP.

If you need more than that, you will ether need a serious appliance or do
it yourself. If you decide to DIY, RS232 is your friend.

With solutions like this: http://www.phanderson.com/ you could monitor
almost unlimited number of temperature and humidity positions but BE
CAREFUL with the bus length, we have run into some serious issues near
high powered cables.

You can also easily monitor any kind of relays based sensors just by
connecting the RX and TX of RS232 to relays ends and periodically checking
port for echos, this way stuff like reading out smoke detectors with
relays modules or "water sensor" (2 naked cables separated by paper) are
peanuts to do.

It is also possible to check for airflow this way, you could construct the
little relays which bends over and connects while airflow is present and
opens up when it is not. This needs a space with STRONG airflow to be
consistent though.

A/C voltage is an interesting one, I was looking for a while for some kind
of "energy meter" which would allow readout of info via RS232, so we could
measure real power consumption vs load ratio but I could not find any.
Easiest way to do this stuff is to read out UPS ratios, most "smart" UPSes
support that in one or another way.

You can read all info and present it via SNMP for later analysis, we use
net-snmp with embeded perl, I can send you sample of our module if you
wish, it is fairly simple.

I would be very interested by ideas regarding detailed airflow readout, it
was always interesting me but I could not find any easy solution, only
those big "weather stations" which I could not install into any of out


Kirill Ponazdyr
Technical Director
Codeangels Solutions GmbH
Tel: +41 (0)43 844 90 10
Fax: +41 (0)43 844 90 12

> --
>   Olivier Beytrison
>   Network & Security Engineer, HES-SO Fribourg
>   Mobile: +41 (0)78 619 73 53
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