> Am 11 Sep 2008 um 5:17 hat Stanislav Sinyagin geschrieben:
>>> Greylisting only delays mails. Proper spammers just use ISP relays and
> how about registering on an page and waiting for the accept email for hours 
> because your ISP do graylisting ?
> taking a relax and drink some beers till the server forwards you the expected 
> email will lead to alcoholism ;-)
we made the experience that not greylisting itself is the problem. the
problem are miss configured mailservers with wrong queue times or
servers interpreting the greylisting "temp error" code as an "error".

on your backup mx servers a greylisting time of 2-5 minutes reduced 98%
of incoming spam. our customer didn't notice that. of course it was only
on our backup mx and relay servers. i've to see what effect it has when
we implement if on regular mailservers...

> Roger
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