Daniel Kamm wrote:

> There are times, where the sending MTAs queue size is far to big for  
> the MTA to meet the queue times. I saw such problems multiple times.  
> When graylisting is configured for too short acceptance time, you will  
> have messages, which won't be transmitted.

# How long will the greylist database retain tuples.
timeout 5d

This is the default for the milter-greylist-port in FreeBSD.
Maybe on very heavy loaded servers You have to go back. But even 12hrs
should be big enough for very big queues.
I think this is your idea of "short acceptance time"?
Or are there other parameters I am missing?

For me, the main factor is the greylist time. There is defined, how long
NOT to recieve a mail for a touple.

# How long a client has to wait before we accept
# the messages it retries to send. Here, 1 hour.
# May be overridden by the "-w greylist_delay" command line argument.
greylist 5m

but normally this is not the problem...
(There are still problems with greylist... but there are greater
problems without ;-)

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