Am Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2008 11:17 schrieb Fredy Kuenzler:
> Peter Keel schrieb:
> > * on the Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 09:54:11AM +0100, Marc Hauswirth 
> >> After the presentation of "Netclean whitebox" at last Swinog
> >> meeting from Pascal Seeger and Grégoire Galland, we are pleased to
> >> announce that now two ISP in Switzerland are using it to filter
> >> their Internet access to block pedophile content.
> >
> > The opposite of "good" is "good intent".
> As said earlier, IMHO the authorities should purchase the system for
> all serviceproviders. 
Why should they? They better invest that money into something usefull, 
like education, or they could lower the taxes.

> This is not a matter of marketing, this is too serious.
Too serious? Everybody really interested in that stuff will still be 
able to get it using p2p filesharing (freenet for example supports a 
darknet mode which allows you to create closed groups with encrypted 
connections and encrpyted data storage).
Everybody else will never see such content. I've seen a lot of legal 
porn advertisement when searching for technical information on the net, 
but never any single illegal picture.

Like others have mentioned, there are the usual problems of zensorship: 
You can't check if only bad stuff is being zensored (well, I think 
nobody of us would want to see that content anyway), it could be used 
to censor other content (like in that case:
The providers of illegal content are always faster creating new sites 
then the zensors updating their blocking list.

Today we are blaming China for their "great firewall". Tomorrow they 
will tell us they are doing the same thing we are doing - blocking 
access to content which is illegal by law.

Btw: It is interesting that the press release doesn't name which 
providers are using that WhiteBox. If it is really that great, why 
don't they say who is using it?

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