I for one would love to welcome Arnie Coro to the SWL Fest via Zoom. Many years 
ago, he facilitated my visit to Radio Havana which was a memorable one. With 
the changing political landscape, we should be able to invite him to the fest 
in the coming years.


Mostly Receiving

> On Jan 16, 2021, at 15:21, John Figliozzi <jfigl...@nycap.rr.com> wrote:
> All of this would be nice, but for this first attempt we’re going it a 
> little slower.  If this works out well, we can explore all these options — 
> including doing both ZOOM and in-person simultaneously — in future.  Got to 
> crawl before you walk, etc.  Thanks for the support.
> John
>>> On Jan 16, 2021, at 2:18 PM, Ed Cummings <bern...@panix.com> wrote:
>>> Dave, that's a good idea.  But John Figliozzi has advised me that the 
>>> two-day schedule is already full.  
>>> For years I've tried to get an organizational sponsor (not a fiscal 
>>> sponsor; I can arrange that) to 'legitimize' Arnie's trip to the Philly 
>>> area so he could also speak at the SWLFest. Arnie has welcomed the 
>>> opportunity, but the administrative and geopolitical challenges have been 
>>> difficult to say the least.
>>> The closest I came to making this happen was a couple three years ago with 
>>> the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication being 
>>> the potential organizational sponsor.  But that fell through due to 
>>> apparently political reasons.  And as of last year my contact at Penn is no 
>>> longer there. 
>>> Arnie Coro is a shortwave icon with more six decades of international 
>>> broadcasting experience and several decades of producing a DX'ers program.  
>>> Regardless of anyone's political biases, I think he'd be a good and fitting 
>>> SWLFest presenter.  Frankly, my biggest concern about this (aside from 
>>> maybe not ever being able to successfully arrange this) is how Arnie might 
>>> be treated here by some in our community.  
>>> -Ed
>>> At 12:46 PM 1/16/2021, Dave Marthouse wrote:
>>> If he has the internet infrastructure to support it maybe you can get Arnie 
>>> CO2KK from RHC.
>>> Dave Marthouse N2AAM
>>> dmartho...@gmail.com
>>> On 1/16/2021 12:39 PM, tankgirl wrote:
>>>> I m sure Gilles Letourneau would be happy to do a forum, he does the sw 
>>>> show on you tube and co hosts the International radio report with Sheldon. 
>>>> It might be fun to hear some people who are overseas who cant normally 
>>>> come in person.
>>>> Janice
>>>> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
>>>> -------- Original message --------
>>>> From: John Figliozzi <jfigl...@nycap.rr.com> 
>>>> Date: 1/16/21 01:10 (GMT-05:00) 
>>>> To: na...@groups.io, Discussion list for the Winter SWL Fest 
>>>> <swlfest@hard-core-dx.com> 
>>>> Cc: odxa yg <o...@groups.io>, w...@groups.io 
>>>> Subject: [Swlfest] First Draft:  2021 34th Annual Winter SWL Fest Program 
>>>> As stated previously, COVID-19 has forced cancellation of an in-person 
>>>> Fest.  But undaunted (well, mostly
>>>> ) the Fest shall go on with a “virtual” event, courtesy of the Internet 
>>>> and the ZOOM platform.  Interested?  Consult www.swlfest.com for 
>>>> registration instructions and further particulars.  Here’s the program 
>>>> schedule:
>>>> All sessions except the “Shindig” nominally one-hour but may run longer or 
>>>> shorter at the option of the presenter.
>>>> This schedule, accurate as of January 16th, is subject to change.
>>>> Friday February 26th, 2021
>>>> 1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 1900 CET / 0500 (Sat.) AEDT
>>>> The Well-Equipped Scannist - A Scanner For Every Purpose – Tom Swisher
>>>> . . . and the gadgets, doohickeys and trinkets to enhance your scanning 
>>>> pleasure.  
>>>> 2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 (Sat.) AEDT
>>>> Easy Antennas for SWLs Who Want to Become HF Hams – Skip Arey
>>>> Communicating is just as much fun as listening. Can your shortwave 
>>>> receiving wires do the job or should you be rethinking your station's 
>>>> antennas?  Uncle Skip will show you how to get on the air without 
>>>> mortgaging your house to do it.
>>>> 2300 UTC / 1800 EST / 1500 PST / 0000 (Sat.) CET / 1000 (Sat.) AEDT
>>>> The Annual Free Radio Forum – Larry Will
>>>> Including:
>>>> -- News, FCC actions or lack thereof
>>>> -- Shortwave free radio year in review
>>>> -- Everyone's still doing the 6850-6980 area
>>>> -- 
>>>> But! There's been a noticeable diversity in frequency use because of lousy 
>>>> DX
>>>> -- 
>>>> Noticeably in the 4000-4100 KHz and 5100-5200 KHz areas
>>>> -- Most active stations
>>>> -- Gallery of interesting QSLs and SSTVs from the past year
>>>> -- Medium wave free radio, the world above 1700
>>>> -- North American Pirate Radio Hall of Fame inductees for 2021
>>>> -- Resources for the free radio listener
>>>> -- archive.org
>>>> -- swlpost.com
>>>> -- hfunderground
>>>> -- free radio network
>>>> -- Free Radio Weekly (25 years!)
>>>> Preparations are underway to simulcast this forum on WBCQ 6160 kHz. Watch 
>>>> this space!
>>>> Saturday, February 27th, 2021
>>>> 0100 UTC / 2000 (Fri.) EST / 1700 (Fri.) PST / 0200 CET / 1200 AEDT
>>>> The Shortwave Shindig in Exile – David Goren
>>>> From a secret location, David’s annual freeform celebration of the medium. 
>>>> This time it shapes up like this:
>>>> 0100 – Shortwave-related music videos, a look at the recent Brooklyn 
>>>> Pirate Radio Sound Map update, and a review of radio-related bits and bobs 
>>>> from the past year.
>>>> 0200 – Live on WRMI! (frequencies TBA) - with music, Meet the Archivist w/ 
>>>> Thomas Witherspoon and other special features.
>>>> 0300 – A Replay of “Shortwaves/Long Distance” - the 2017 two-hour 
>>>> broadcast featuring the top submissions to NASWA’s and Wave Farm’s call 
>>>> for shortwave-related music and sound compositions.
>>>> 1800 UTC / 1300 EST / 1000 PST / 1900 CET / 0500 (Sun.) AEDT
>>>> QRP General Coverage Transceivers: Bridge Between Transmitting and 
>>>> Listening – Thomas Witherspoon
>>>> We've seen an amazing array of full-featured general-coverage QRP 
>>>> transceivers hit the market in the past few years--during the doldrums of 
>>>> the solar cycle, no less. These rigs provide SWLs and even DXers a means 
>>>> to easily escape RFI and to experiment with portable listening posts. 
>>>> We'll take a look at a number of QRP general-coverage transceivers I 
>>>> consider to be truly worthy, with a particular focus on the innovative 
>>>> Icom IC-705.
>>>> 2000 UTC / 1500 EST / 1200 PST / 2100 CET / 0700 (Sun.) AEDT
>>>> Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood
>>>> er, Basement – Dan Robinson
>>>> Premium Receivers In A Time of Plummeting Shortwave
>>>> With All India Radio GOS in English all but gone from shortwave and Brazil 
>>>> shifting to DRM,
>>>> among other depressing developments, Dan takes a look at the used receiver 
>>>> market in 2021, including premium receivers, and discusses the Japanese 
>>>> Buyee site.
>>>> 2300 UTC / 1800 EST / 1500 PST / 0000 (Sun.) CET / 1000 (Sun.) AEDT
>>>> The Addictive Quality of Curiosity - Mark Fahey, Live from Freemans Reach, 
>>>> Australia
>>>> This building in the sleepy rural village of Freemans Reach in southeast 
>>>> Australia rarely needs heating. 18 receivers running 24x7x365 provide 
>>>> continuous coverage from 1kHz to 12.8GHz. Can the quest for knowledge ever 
>>>> be satisfied? This presentation is a live dive into the presenter’s 
>>>> Sisyphean obsession to monitor the world’s culture. 
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Swlfest mailing list
>>>> Swlfest@hard-core-dx.com
>>>> http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/swlfest
>>>> To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to  
>>>> swlfest-requ...@hard-core-dx.com?subject=unsubscribe, or visit the URL 
>>>> shown above.
>>>> For more information on the Fest, visit:
>>>> http://www.swlfest.com
>>>> http://swlfest.blogspot.com
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Swlfest mailing list
>>>> Swlfest@hard-core-dx.com
>>>> http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/swlfest
>>>> To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to 
>>>> swlfest-requ...@hard-core-dx.com?subject=unsubscribe
>>>> , or visit the
>>>> URL shown above.
>>>> For more information on the Fest, visit:
>>>> http://www.swlfest.com
>>>> http://swlfest.blogspot.com
>>> --
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Swlfest mailing list
>>> Swlfest@hard-core-dx.com
>>> http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/swlfest
>>> To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to  
>>> swlfest-requ...@hard-core-dx.com?subject=unsubscribe, or visit the URL 
>>> shown above.
>>> For more information on the Fest, visit:
>>> http://www.swlfest.com
>>> http://swlfest.blogspot.com
>> _______________________________________________
>> Swlfest mailing list
>> Swlfest@hard-core-dx.com
>> http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/swlfest
>> To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to  
>> swlfest-requ...@hard-core-dx.com?subject=unsubscribe, or visit the URL shown 
>> above.
>> For more information on the Fest, visit:
>> http://www.swlfest.com
>> http://swlfest.blogspot.com
> _______________________________________________
> Swlfest mailing list
> Swlfest@hard-core-dx.com
> http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/swlfest
> To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to  
> swlfest-requ...@hard-core-dx.com?subject=unsubscribe, or visit the URL shown 
> above.
> For more information on the Fest, visit:
> http://www.swlfest.com
> http://swlfest.blogspot.com
Swlfest mailing list

To unsubscribe:  Send an E-mail to  
swlfest-requ...@hard-core-dx.com?subject=unsubscribe, or visit the URL shown 

For more information on the Fest, visit:


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