I think he wants the Greek Strongs number and the Hebrew Strongs number for each word in the Old Testament where the Greek Strongs number would come from the LXX. This really is a mapping between the Hebrew text and the LXX. I think that this makes more sense for it to be placed in the LXX itself.

For example, Job 1.5 (in the LXX module) is (edited for brevity, but still long) [ Note the LXX is in GBF format. ] και<WG2532> ως<WG3739> αν<WG302> συνετελεσθησαν<WG4931> αι<WG3588> ημεραι<WG2250> του<WG3588> ποτου<WG4224> απεστελλεν<WG649> ιωβ<WG2492> και<WG2532> εκαθαριζεν<WG2511> αυτους<WG846> ανισταμενος<WG450> το<WG3588> πρωι<WG4404> και<WG2532> προσεφερεν<WG4374> περι<WG4012> αυτων<WG846> θυσιας<WG2378> κατα<WG2596> τον<WG3588> αριθμον<WG706> αυτων<WG846> και<WG2532> μοσχον<WG3448> ενα<WG1519> περι<WG4012> αμαρτιας<WG266> περι<WG4012> των<WG3588> ψυχων<WG5590> αυτων<WG846> ελεγεν<WG3004> γαρ<WG1063> ιωβ<WG2492> μηποτε<WG3379> οι<WG3588> υιοι<WG5207> μου<WG1473> εν<WG1722> τη<WG3588> διανοια<WG1271> αυτων<WG846> κακα<WG2556> ενενοησαν προς<WG4314> θεον<WG2316> ουτως<WG3778> ουν<WG3767> εποιει<WG4160> ιωβ<WG2492> πασας<WG3956> τας<WG3588> ημερας<WG2250>

These are all Greek strongs numbers. But the underlying text is Hebrew. Wouldn't the mapping make better sense here?

I also think that it would be neat if our front ends could provide an interlinear mode (not just parallel) using mapping data. Having positional data from the base text (e.g. WLC) would be helpful in doing this.

Chris Little wrote:

Ted Walther wrote:

On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 09:07:29PM -0800, Ted Walther wrote:

On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 01:20:37PM -0800, Chris Little wrote:

What's the precise nature of your objective? We already have Strong's
numbers in the KJV and LXX modules. Are you looking to have the WLC
module tagged with Strong's numbers and/or keying to KJV words?

Yes, keying the greek words to the KJV words, and using Strong's
numbers to do the keying.

For instance, it is useful to know that the LXX uses paradiso where the
KJV translates the Hebrew as "garden" or "paradise".

No interest?

Perhaps I am confused about what you're suggesting, so I'll explain what we have and what I think you're saying, and you can correct me if I'm misunderstanding.

We have the following relevant modules:
WLC (Hebrew OT, maybe with morphology available some day as an unlock)
LXX (Greek OT translated from the Hebrew OT, with morphology & Strong's numbers) Byz (Greek NT with morphology, Strong's numbers, and word-to-word linking with our KJV) KJV (English OT/NT translated from equivalents to our WLC & Byz texts, with Strong's numbers throughout, morphology of the Greek in the NT, and word-to-word linking with our Byz text)

(a) It seems like you're just suggesting that we should tag the LXX with Strong's number, but we already have that.

(b) I can see the value in tagging the WLC with Strong's numbers and linking these word-to-word with the KJV.

(c) I don't know that linking the LXX would be that useful since the KJV is not a translation of it per se. But doing this would be fairly trivial since the linking could be more or less automated through the Strong's numbers.

(c) I could also see linking the LXX and the WLC, but this would require doing something like (c) in the process.

If you really just want to see which LXX word corresponds to which KJV word, I think you can already do that in the web frontend.


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