Hi Lynn ............

L.Allan-pbio wrote:
For John 3:1, the 1.1 note is "See the note on Pharisees in 1:24"
Thanks for this. We've had a fair bit of discussion about marking the notes with cross references etc. They really want looking at, and there's a recommendation to the translation team that they rationalise all cross references. There is one (I forget where) that is so ambiguous, none of us could work out which chapter/verse it actually referred to. I'm sure things will improve in this area. However, looking on the bright side, the notes are a fantastic and valuable resource for all of us ....

God bless,


-- From Barry Drake (The Revd) minister of the Netherfield United Reformed 
church, Nottingham see http://www.jesusinnetherfield.org.uk for our church 


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