On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 10:39 PM, Brian Fernandes
<infernalprot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Peter,
> Truly a great effort and a good list of features for frontend authors to
> refer to and improve.
> I want to edit the FireBible rows a bit, but would like to make a few
> clarifications first; I will wait for your response before editing the
> tables or you can go ahead and edit it yourself. Since you left several
> columns blank for FireBible, I thought you may have sent me an email with
> some questions but I haven't received anything - so here is some info
> anyway.

This is a very relevant question: if frontend developers cannot
readily determine what a column means (and for quite a few of the
columns I can't), the end users we are trying to target probably won't
be able to.  It is probably best in the long run to have at the start
of each section a description of what is meant by each column.


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